Monday, October 7, 2019

Team work and organisational success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Team work and organisational success - Essay Example The teamwork in any organization depends upon the organizational process requirements and organizational structure as well. The team can be classified into the major groups of self-managing teams, quality circles, virtual teams and cross-functional teams among others. There can be teams formed of specialized professionals within an organization according to a specified task. However, it is quite essential that all the team members in a team should have a common goal.With regards to teamwork, certain aspects should be considered as vital by an organization. The members of the organization should attend meetings to make team goals and to discuss the problems associated with the targeted objectives. The personal goals of the team members should be achieved with the virtues of teamwork. Conflict should be avoided in teamwork. Notably, it is also essential for a team to work efficiently in terms that every individual member of the team should play a contributory role to assist the organiz ational growth or attainment of the determined objectives. Team formation takes time and there are certain stages that a team should pass through such as ‘forming’, ‘storming’, ‘norming’, ‘performing’ and ‘dissolving'.Biogenic Plc is an organization which is engaged in producing crop protection products. The total workforce of the organization is 15,000 employees and is scattered in over 80 countries. Biogenic recruits able and motivated employees to form a strong team.... With regards to team work, certain aspects should be considered as vital by an organisation. The members of the organisation should attend meetings to make team goals and to discuss the problems associated with the targeted objectives. The personal goals of the team members should be achieved with the virtues of teamwork. Conflict should be avoided in teamwork. Notably, it is also essential for a team to work efficiently in terms that every individual member in the team should play a contributory role to assist the organisational growth or attainment of the determined objectives (Gibson & et. al., 1980). Team formation takes time and there are certain stages that a team should pass through such as ‘forming’, ‘storming’, ‘norming’, ‘performing’ and ‘dissolving’ that can be well observed from the diagram represented below (Gibson & et. al., 1980). Figure: Stages in the Formation of Team Biogenia Plc is an organisation whi ch is engaged with producing crop protection products. The total workforce of the organisation is 15,000 employees and is scattered in over 80 countries. Biogenia recruits able and motivated employees to form a strong team. For the purpose of in-house training, the organisation often forms a team of the members which covers both technical as well as personal development issues of the employees. There is a team which handles community work as well. For international assignments, teams are formed for the specific tasks, for example, for the development of a new herbicide a team was formed in South Africa. The team members formed for the international assignment are from different backgrounds. The qualification of the members includes PhD in

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