Sunday, October 6, 2019

NURSING ASSIGNMENT Continuing care - Incontinence Essay

NURSING ASSIGNMENT Continuing care - Incontinence - Essay Example It shall analyse how care was planned and delivered in order to meet the identified continuing needs in relation to evidence gathered from literature. It shall then reflect on the outcomes of care delivery for the continuing care needs identified. The patient, for this paper, shall be referred to with the pseudonym John Wilson. He is 82 years and was admitted into the Accidents and Emergency Unit after suffering a fall. He was later transferred to the medical ward to help him recover from his fall. He had a previous history of prostatectomy and was having problems with incontinence. He showed early signs of dementia, which however did not interfere with the nurse’s communication with the patient. The patient’s wife Barbara also assisted in answering questions about the patient. He lives with his wife and is often visited by his daughter and son-in-law. He needs continuing care because his mobility is compromised and cannot easily make it to and from the bathroom to relieve himself during urinary urgencies. He needs continuing care in order to help manage his urination, in order to prevent him from withdrawing from society, and eventually to keep him from being depressed. The continuing needs of the patient were assessed by the nurse and the other members of the multidisciplinary team (MDT). The nurse and the members of the multidisciplinary team (physiotherapist, occupational therapist, and the attending physician) assessed his risk for experiencing another fall. His previous fall broke his right hip; and he underwent hip replacement surgery soon after. He is now undergoing physical and rehabilitative therapy in order to gradually regain his mobility. He could get himself independently out of bed, but he has to use a walker in order to move about. He also needs assistance with his activities of daily living, but he is slowly gaining independence in carrying out these activities. With therapy and rehabilitation, he is slowly

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