Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Medicine River :: essays research papers

Medicine River By Thomas King In the novel, Medicine River, Thomas King creates a story of a little community to reflect the whole native nation. A simply return of Will's makes the little town seem to be more colourful. "Medicine River makes non-native readers think a little longer and harder about the lives of the first people they live among and the places they inhabit." As a non-native reader, it is extra difficult to feel and understand the book because we didn't go through all the steps. Although Will starts like a foreigner, he becomes part of the unique community eventually. Medicine River shows the past history of Canada and teaches readers to learn from the past experience in order to become better people. Will is the main character in the novel, Medicine River. The whole story starts with a native photojournalist returns to his reservation for his mother's funeral he discovers the strength of his background. Will does not live in the reserve, Medicine River, because his father is a white person. After 20 years, Will returns. After he opens the photo studio in the reserve, he feels like home again. Doing business and playing basketball makes Will become a member of the little Indian town. The people who help Will the most are Harlen, Louise and Joyce. Harlen is the one who always wants to make Will feel better. The photo studio & basketball team are Harlen's idea. Louise is the true love that Will falls for. When Joyce asks Will to be in the photo, that really impresses Will a lot. Finally, Will finds his career, love and friends in the reserve after 20 years. Harlen is Will's friend and he is a very easy going man. He is always running around helping people to solve the problems. He runs the coach position on team Medicine River Friendship Centre Warriors" after no body wants to do the job. In order to make Will feel home, Harlen forces Will to play some basketball on the team although Will is not a good player. Leadership is the main idea that Harlen is trying to pass to Will.

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