Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Radiography Diagnostic Imagery Program Scholarship Essay

Radiography Diagnostic Imagery Program - Scholarship Essay Example When a person gets an illness there is no greater relief than knowing what disease you are suffering from. This way the medical community can immediately put a treatment plan into action. obtaining the bursary award would greatly help in my aspiration to graduate from the Radiography Diagnostic Imagery program. This program is a tremendous opportunity for me. I know that upon completion of the program I will have all the necessary skills and abilities to succeed in the real world. This career will enable me to become financially independent. The median salary of a radiographer in the United Kingdom is over 38,440 pounds per year. I would like to gain experience to eventually open up my own clinic. One of my aspirations upon graduating from this program is to go back to my homeland of Africa and give back to the community.In the current global medical environment, there is a shortage of talented professionals across the world. The shortage of manpower is evident in both develop and un derdeveloped countries. In the underdeveloped parts of the world such as Africa, the need for healthcare professionals is greater than any other part of the world. One of the problems in the African region is that there are very few educational institutions, thus the country is not graduating enough professionals to keep up with the demand for these services. Due to the fact that the salaries in Africa are very low in comparison with the United Kingdom or other parts of the world, it is hard for Africa to recruit talent. This is one of the reasons why supporting my educational goals can benefit society. I want to go back to Africa upon graduation in order to help out the community. I am a very giving person that believes in the value of helping others. Before the industrialized world took over our lives our ancestors lived in a society in which everyone depended on the efforts of each other. In order for the world to become a better place, more professionals have to dedicate themsel ves to social causes. I want to help others as much as possible. In the past, I have been involved in various volunteer and community service initiatives including scorekeeping at junior basketball games. Now that I’m about to become a resident of the United Kingdom I plan on reaching out to the local churches, non-profit organizations, and governmental institutions in order to find volunteering opportunities. The bursary award would be a blessing for me because I am in need of financial assistance in order to finance my graduate studies. I am not a native resident of the United Kingdom since I was born in South Africa. This fact implies that I am not eligible for the financial assistance scholarship and loan programs United Kingdom residents are entitled too. This places me at a competitive disadvantage in comparison with British residents. The tuition expenses to enroll in the university are very high and for me, the costs are much higher because I’m an international student. When I save money for tuition the economic laws hurt my position because the currency of South Africa is extremely devalued in comparison with the British pound. The conversion rate between the British pound and the South African rand is currently valued at one pound to 11.15 rand.

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