Friday, October 18, 2019

Personel Recruitment and Selection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personel Recruitment and Selection - Assignment Example Most often the clarity in the job scope and the requirement visualized by the immediate Manager might not match with the final draft that goes for recruitment. It is critical that this is paid adequate attention. 'Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organisation needs to employ someone up to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organisation' (MBA Publishing 2005). Defining the job requirements and the nature of person who will fit into it is the first level of work that has to be carried out. The date on which the resource is required and the nature of responsibilities that the person needs to take over are to be clearly defined. Based on the requirement specification detailed recruitment documentation is done. In the HR department similar requirements from various sources are pooled together and a common recruitment is done. Based on the recruitment documents an acceptable time scale is fixed for recruitment and selection. In line with the recruitment specifications, either the standard application form or a specific format that fits into the needs of the current situation is created along with the promotion. Once these documents are cleared a comprehensive document for advertising or any other media for recruitment is used. In response to the advertisement, applications are received from the respondents to the advertisement. These applications are then processed using the selection criterion. The important exercise in the recruitment is fixing the needs and the specifications for the job. If this is not in order, the entire process could lead to an unsatisfactory situation. The documentation will also specify the initial short listing criteria for the applications and other selection criteria that would help in filtering and identifying the candidates for the position required. Selection Process The selection process starts with the applications that are received. Initial short listing conditions as specified in the recruitment documentation are applied on the received applications. 'Selection then consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate to fill a post' (MBA Publishing 2003). In line with this process, the first level of filtering is done at the application level. Only those applicants who fit into the requirements and the initial screening conditions are then called for the interviews. The interviews are conducted as per the specifications already laid down in the recruitment document. This would ensure that the requirements of the job position are met. The interview will be conducted by forming the right kind of interviewing committee who would have to ensure that the requirements are met and the person selected has the right kind of technical and personnel skills. Interviews are used to check whether the candidate meets the requirements of the specifications document; to cross check whether the person is what he claims to be and the nature of the person and his attitude towards work. In addition to these, it is also important that if he does not match the requirements of the Recruitment document, then in what way and what are the additional training that has to be provided so that

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