Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Staffing Problem at Lovely India Restuarant

Question: This report has been requested by the head of Department of the business faculty at the Waiariki institute of technology, David Scadden and the course lecturer of applied management, Esther Chaderopa. Purpose of this report is to identify the managerial problems within the Lovely India restaurant and prepare a project proposal for the research of possible solution. This research will help Lovely India restaurant to improve their services. Answer: 1.0 Introduction The hotel industry is the fastest growing industry across the world and attained a total of $550 billion dollars in FY2016 (Turner Guilding, 2014). The total number of hotels in New Zealand is above 10,000 and its annual revenue of this hotel industry in New Zealand has earned a total of more than $4.2.billion in the year 2015, which is 107% greater than the sale of the hotel industry in the financial year of 2014 ("Hospitality NZ", 2016). In this research, the researcher emphasizes on the Lovely India Restaurant that serves authentic and exotic Indian cuisine. They have a wide range of Rice menus, vegetarian Delights, seafood, entre, side dishes and desserts ("Menus - Lovely India (Rotorua, Rotorua)", 2016). They also have different cuisine based on the demographic factors like age group. They have different reparation for children like chicken nuggets, French fries and baby combos ("Menus - Lovely India (Rotorua, Rotorua)", 2016). Kotas, (2014) mention that sometimes it is difficu lt to find efficient working personnel for the hotel industry, who can prepare food according to the requirement of the customer throughout the years. This chapter will cover the rationale of the research, its objective and research question along with the project plan for conducting the research. Furthermore, the literature review regarding the research topic-staffing problem at lovely India restaurant will be discussed which is followed by the research methodology that helps the researcher to accomplish the entire study. 1.1 Rationale 1.1.1 What is the problem? The problem is the recruitment in the seasonal time when the demand for tasty and healthy food is in much demand. The lack of efficient employees will affect the profitability of the organization. Moreover, in a hotel industry where the provision of food to the client is one of the important jobs, it is important for the concerned organization to keep everything in stock. Thus, another problem is the insufficient stock of food items and necessary staffs. Thirdly, appropriate designation to productive employees is another issue that a manager of the hotel industry is facing. 1.1.2 Why it is a problem? The unavailability of required number of employees and chefs in the hotel industry is the reason why the hotel is being late to deliver the order the customers. This late delivery will make the client disappoint towards the working procedure of the hotel and the number of the customer will be reduced. Moreover, the lack of an expert person in the appropriate position is another reason of the poor performance of the hotel as there is no one to take the right decision and utilize the quality of the present employees for better productivity. Lastly, even the presence of competent person will not be beneficial for the industry as enough stock is not present. 1.1.3 Why it is a problem now? The consequence of the mentioned problem is that it not only affects the productivity of the concerned hotel but the profitability also gets affected. The existing employees do not understand the importance of their presence for the betterment of the organization. Some people are taken sudden leave without informing and hence, the manager face problem to maintain the minimum number of cooks and chefs. As a result, they have to recruit temporary cook. These cook lacks in experience and knowledge of handling the kitchen as well as customers. Insufficient stock results in unavailability of a wide range of food items, which results in the provision of some particular dishes to the customers. The less revenue of the hotel makes it difficult for the manager to pay for their full-time employees. 1.1.4 What the research study shed light on? The research will focus on the managerial problems for which the Lovely Indian Restaurant is facing problem along with the problem solving models with management concept so that the concerned industry can overcome the drawbacks for an appropriate research study. 1.2 Research objective To evaluate different factors that affects the performance of the Lovely India restaurant To analyze the effect of the factors that results in the loss of the Lovely India restaurants To identify leading cause of the problem To find out practical solution of the evolved problem 1.3 Research question What are the different factors that affect the performance of the Lovely India restaurant? What is the effect of the factors that results in the loss of the Lovely India restaurant? What is the primary cause of the problem? What are the practical solutions to overcome the evolved problem? 1.4 Project Plan Timeframe Outline Number Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors 1 Research proposal for staffing problems in Lovely India Restaurant 155 days Tue 6/14/16 Mon 1/16/17 1.1 Defining the project proposal 30 days Tue 6/14/16 Mon 7/25/16 1.1.1 Selection of the research topic 15 days Tue 6/14/16 Mon 7/4/16 1.1.2 Finalizing the research topic 15 days Tue 7/5/16 Mon 7/25/16 3 1.2 Literature review 30 days Tue 7/26/16 Mon 9/5/16 1.2.1 Selection of the literature of the views by different researchers 10 days Tue 7/26/16 Mon 8/8/16 4 1.2.2 Summarizing the reviews of the literature 1 month Tue 8/9/16 Mon 9/5/16 6 1.3 Research methodology 14 days Tue 9/6/16 Fri 9/23/16 1.3.1 Identification of the appropriate methodologies for implementing the research proposal 2 days Tue 9/6/16 Wed 9/7/16 7 1.3.2 Implementation of the suitable research methodologies for conducting the research project 12 days Thu 9/8/16 Fri 9/23/16 9 1.4 Data collection 22 days Mon 9/26/16 Tue 10/25/16 1.4.1 Identifying the primary and secondary sources of data 2 days Mon 9/26/16 Tue 9/27/16 10 1.4.2 Formulating the research questions related to the research topic 10 days Wed 9/28/16 Tue 10/11/16 12 1.4.3 Conducting the surveys and interviews for acquiring useful information 10 days Wed 10/12/16 Tue 10/25/16 13 1.5 Data analysis 26 days Wed 10/26/16 Wed 11/30/16 1.5.1 Selecting appropriate methods for analyzing the data being acquired in the process 5 days Wed 10/26/16 Tue 11/1/16 14 1.5.2 Implementing the qualitative and quantitative methods for analyzing the information 1 day Wed 11/2/16 Wed 11/2/16 16 1.5.3 Summarizing the information from the analysis of the that being collected in the process 1 month Thu 11/3/16 Wed 11/30/16 17 1.6 Evaluation of the team and project 3 days Thu 12/15/16 Fri 12/16/16 1.6.1 Identifying the functionalities and responsibilities of the research team in the project 1 day Thu 12/15/16 Thu 12/15/16 18 1.6.2 Evaluating the outcomes of the research project 2 days Fri 12/16/16 Mon 12/19/16 20 1.7 Final submission 1 month Tue 12/20/16 Mon 1/16/17 21 Table 1: Time frame for the research proposal (Source: Created by Author) 1.5 Literature Review Recruitment of the efficient employees: One of the problems that are faced by human resource in hotel industry is the recruitment of the skilled employees. Hotel industry needs a skilled person, who can handle the working procedure of coking different cuisine according to their customer's taste (Boella Goss-Turner, 2013). These problems are mainly raised when the off-season is going on and the existing staffs apply long leaves for vacations. In such situation human resources sometimes have to employee frontlineas there are many unemployed person who are looking for part-time jobs. Burns et al., (2013) also depict that HR also faces problem for assessing the background of the employee before recruiting them. Thus, candidates must be selected from reputed university and hospitability colleges so that they can well aware of their background and should not hire part-timers with unaddressed addictions. Effective interpersonal relationship onboarding process: Yeung et al., (2016) mentioned that determining team's demand is crucial for overcome the unexpected behaviors of their staffs and hence developing an effective interpersonal relationship with their employee starting from the day one. This makes the manager to look what is their demand and what they need to work with proficiency in the workplace. Negligence of which results in short-term employee, who will further looking for other opportunities. Mohsin et al., (2015) depict that if the requirement of the staffs will be fulfilled, they will work efficiently at their urge. Retention of proficient employee: Riley, (2014) depict that some people have the ability to handle their job responsibility with efficiency. On the other hand Lin et al. (2013) demonstrate that some have the leadership quality to get the work done in an appropriate way. Thus, these employees must have to be retained by the organization as these personnel can work for the betterment of the organization. According to Prudhomme and Raymond, (2013) HR in hospitability industry must have to conduct training session of new as well as old employees and assess their performance regularly based on which the manager must note the able person among the team members. Moreover, Buhalis and Mamalakis, (2015) also portray that rewarding system should be implemented for retaining efficient employees either by promoting them to higher designation or by presenting them financial gifts. Future-proofing the organization: Lockyer, (2013) depict that whether it is the off or peak season, the presence of customer always there in the hotel. Thus, the HR should hire such employee who are efficient to handle workload in these periods and can work for developing new ideologies in the off-season so that new customers can attract towards the organization. (Kessman McCauley, 2013). Efficient managers should also be recruited, who may take care of the inventory management and update stock as per ad requirement (Singal, 2014). Moreover, a Succession Preparation plan should also be formulated by HR so that the talent of the efficient employee can be developed a better position to handle more complex job roles. Employee Turnover: It is seen that in the time when no occasions are celebrated in countries like from February to June, employee turnover is majorly occurred. The reason can be the rude behavior, employee misalignment, and lack in Coaching, feedback, and inability to adopt new business approach. Solnet et al., (2015) depict that HR should analyzed their recruiting practices and psychological contracts for regularly marinating the changing need of the employee so that they can get associated with the organization for a long time. 1.6 Research Methodology In this chapter, the chosen procedure for the research will be discussed that helps to conduct the entire study. The researcher has chosen the positivism research philosophy for accomplishes the research study. In order to support the research study for a better outcome "deductive research approach has been considered (Tuohy et al., 2013). Moreover, this chapter will also emphasize on the procedure of research purpose and strategy. The researcher has followed the descriptive research strategy and chooses to conduct interviews and survey for effective research strategy. In addition to that, primary and secondary both of the data collection is being used in the assignment. 1.6.1 Research philosophy The procedure undertaken by the researcher for gathering the data and evaluate them signifies the research philosophy. Positivism", "realism research philosophy and Interpretivism are the three different procedure of the research philosophy (Bryman, 2015). Positivism signifies the process by which the research can attain the factual knowledge regarding the research study. In this way, the researcher can gain the correct result concerning the research topic. Mackey and Gass, (2015) depicted that "Interpretivism is a procedure by which the research gain knowledge by socially constructed information for the research. This procedure will help to attain the concept of the research topic in a better way. In addition to that, Interpretivism research philosophy is the combination of both the Positivism and Interpretivism research philosophy method (Gray, 2013). Preceding research in this way makes the researcher learn about the research with authentic details. In this research study, Positiv ism research philosophy is used as the research will attain the accurate result that supports the research study. 1.6.2 Research Approach According to Creswell, (2013), two research approaches is there - Inductive research approach and deductive research approach. The primary reason for adopting the research approach is to support the research studies with useful theories and models. In both the case, the implementation of the methods and model is required.Cohen et al., (2013) illustrate that Inductive research approach" resembles the implementation of desired methods and model for the research while "deductive research approaches signifies the formulation of the new theories and model for providing support to the literature review made by the researcher. In this study, the researcher implemented the deductive research approach. Proceeding with this step, the researcher can assure that many experts and former researcher support the topic selected by them. 1.6.3 Research purpose As depicted by Yin, (2013), the primary purpose of conducting a research study is to gather knowledge regarding the research topic for proper understanding. There are three different ways to understand the research procedure - explanatory, exploratory and descriptive. The relationship between the various variable taken for the research is well identified by the "explanatory research purpose"; while, for attaining knowledge regarding the research study, the researcher follows the "Descriptive research purpose" (McNabb, 2015). Lastly, in order to get the detailed study for the research,Collis and Hussey, (2013) demonstrate that "Exploratory research use" is used. In this research study, the researcher proceeded with "Descriptive research purpose" for accomplishing the studies in a short time with a low budget. 1.6.4 Research Strategy Fowlers Jr, (2013) mention that for an effective research study, it is important to adopt a strategy by which the data can be collected authentically and genuine. Focus group, case study, interview and survey are four different methods for conducting research. "Focus group" and "case study" are the strategies used in the secondary data collection while "interview" and "survey" are done regarding primary data collection (De Vaus, 2013). In this research study, "focus group" and "interview and survey" is considered for a secondary and primary method of data collection so that accurate view can be gathered from accepted journal articles and to the target audience themselves. 1.6.5 Data collection There are two methods of data collection qualitative data collection and quantitative data collection (Mertens, 2014). However, in this research both the procedure is implemented. In the case of taking a survey from the hotel staffs, "qualitative data collection" method is used and the questionnaire that is prepared for research is done through quantitative data collection. The significant difference between the qualitative and quantitative data collection is that in the case of the quantitative data collection the numerical assessing of data is done while the qualitative data collection comprises of the perception and opinion of an individual (Soy, 2015). 1.6.6 Sample selection In this research study, two staffs from the Lovely India restaurant is taken in to consideration a chef, a waiter, and 50 customers are taken for answering the formulated questioner for understanding the exact problem occurring with the staffing. 1.6.7 Data Analysis Punch, (2013) depicted that data analysis is important for the research as it is important to assess the data gathered by conducting the survey. The outcome from the survey helps the researcher to develop an exact perception towards the major staffing problem with the concerned organization. Thus, for primary data analysis mean, median, mode and standard deviation is used for and for the secondary data analysis, secondary research process will also be used that is the supportive text and statistics from peer articles, research journals and others. References Becker, C., Wang, W. (2016).Intercultural human resource management in hotel chains.The Routledge Handbook of Hotel Chain Management, 315. Boella, M., Goss-Turner, S. (2013).Human resource management in the hospitality industry: A guide to best practice. Routledge. Bresciani, S., Thrassou, A., Vrontis, D. (2012).Human resource managementpractices, performance and strategy in the Italian hotel industry.World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 3,8(4), 405-423. Bryman, A. (2015).Social research methods.Oxford university press. Buhalis, D., Mamalakis, E. (2015). Social media return on investment and performance evaluation in the hotel industry context. InInformation and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015(pp. 241-253). Springer International Publishing.

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