Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay on World Religion Buddhism - 665 Words

Buddhism is one of the most popular religions in the world, it originates in Nepal, where the â€Å"enlightened one† Saddartha Gotama was born. The word Buddhism originates from the word â€Å"Buddhi† meaning to awaken. Buddhism is a nontheistic religion, meaning that they do not have any gods in their faith. Buddha is seen as one of the enlightened ones, rather than a God. One interesting fact about Buddhism, Saddartha Gotama acknowledges Jesus Christ as a very good man and a prophet, however does not acknowledge him as the Messiah. Saddartha Gotama was born into a very wealthy family, and he always wanted to find more purpose in life than money and materialistic things. He began his faith journey at a young age, and by age 35 he became†¦show more content†¦His teachings are based on an 8 step process, with emphasis on self-discipline, self-restraint, self-sacrifice, and abstaining from all kinds of evils, which is picture perfect for this generation. One of the most interesting parts of Buddhism to me is the architecture and art behind it. â€Å"The perfect proportions of the Buddha’s body corresponds to the design of religious monuments. Its architecture developed from the pre-Buddhist Indian grave-mound. Under these mounds the saintly ascetic were buried; their bodies were seated on the ground and covered with earth. These dome-shaped graves, or tumuli, of the saints were regarded as holy places. And were destinations for pilgrimage for the devotional and places of practice for meditators.† Says the Buddha Dharma Education Association. ( The amazing thing to me is that they can base their architecture solely on the makeup of a human being. I mean you don’t exactly see a bunch of Catholic architecture based off the makeup of Jesus. Most of it is symbolistic, whereas Buddhism strongly lacks symbolism. Since doing the research on Buddhism, I have found some of the teachings of Buddhism have been very helpful to me in my life. I have begun doing yoga (Yes believe it Mrs. Schneiderman, I actually do yoga.) Some of his teachings half helped me find my inner peace, especially during some hectic classes or very stressful homeworkShow MoreRelatedBuddhism : The Major Religions Of The World926 Words   |  4 Pages After learning about the major religions of the world, Buddhism seems to be the most relevant for someone living in western society. While many religions are considered monotheistic, with an all knowing powerful god to worship, Buddhism doesn’t put one god high up on the altar, in fact the focus in this religion seems to be more spiritual. Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world. 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