Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Development of a Proposal for Organisational Research Essay

The Development of a Proposal for Organisational Research - Essay Example f service to the customers.1 However, the increasing number of â€Å"lay-offs† which resulted from globalization makes it a challenge for HR managers to maintain employees’ commitment and loyalty.2 For this reason, the HR personnel acknowledge the need to introduce effective initiatives that could motivate employees to perform their best at work. The best solution to increase employees’ working motivation is to minimize stress barriers related to work and personal lives.3 Most people believe that this can be done by allowing them to enjoy flexible work arrangements since implementing long working hours or the traditional 8 or 9 to 5 workday job requirement could result to a detrimental effect on employees’ work satisfaction and level of productivity.4 In line with the positive remarks of Flexible Working Arrangements in the world of business, the researcher aims to test whether the implementation of the said program within a school setting. For the purpose of this study, a short literature review will be discussed to give the readers a better insight about the benefits of promoting a balancing work and other aspects of employees’ life. In line with answering the research question and meet the objectives of the study, the researcher suggests the use of a semi-structured interview as well as qualitative and quantitative survey questionnaires as part of the methodology. Along the way, the researcher will discuss the underlying philosophies behind the chosen methodological approaches; the sample frame that will be used for the study; data collection processes including the proposed analysis of the gathered data; estimated cost of the study; and the ethical consideration on data gathering. Eventually, a detailed time frame for each research stages will be discussed. recruitment process of competitive human resources as well as its existing employees’ absenteeism and work performances. By creating a more attractive and suitable work place for the

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